My first sketch

These are the first sketches I have done. For someone who had never sketch anything in her entire life except drawings of Garfield and Mickey Mouse, it was really quite challenging. Looking back at them now, I could have done a much better job now but its good to look at how things progressed. And its also interesting to see how the ideas come about and started evolving and changing into the final design. 

Knowing how to sketch is really important and that is something I always drill in my kids. I make them sketch and draw until they are really comfortable with the pencil because if you are uncomfortable with drawing lines and sketching, then that is going to be in the way when you are trying to come up with ideas. Its already quite a challenge to brainstorm for ideas so sketching has to be really comfortable for them, as comfortable as picking up a pen and start writing. The same goes for sketching. 

My sketches improved a little bit as you can see during the evaluation stage. And i even ventured daringly into playing around with shading and rendering colours on them. Can be better and still improving.

Next below are sketches on the second project, again very rough work and definitely show certain improvements in term of sketching. Ideation-wise I felt it was too one-way and not much exploration was conducted although there were mild attempts.